Working together with local education institutions, student clubs, professionals and employers in each partner city and country in the Asia-Pacific region to provide students aged from 18 to 25 with more mentoring support, cultural and personal development, and practical experience through training programs, internships and employment opportunities both locally and overseas.
Public Officer
Ben qualified as a CPA (Certified Practising Accountant) after working as CFO, Financial Controller, Business Consultant at a number of listed companies headquartered in Singapore and Japan, and at some global trading companies in Australia. He owned and invested in companies in IT and AIoT industries before co-founding Joidea Creative with his Japanese Co-founder Ken in Sydney. Under his management, Joidea now has a team of more than 40 specialists in technology, design, marketing and project management, supporting global clients across Australia, U.S. and Japan. As a financial advisor and business developer, Ben is going to contribute his financial expertise and IT project experience to help LYDA and its new projects increase the efficiency of their daily operations, and, after applying the right technologies and solutions, increasing their values to the community.
Committee Member
Andrew has contributed to English language teaching and testing for over 35 years, in positions in Australasia and Europe. He holds a BA French & German (Hons) and an M Ed (TESOL) from London University. As an English language teacher, Andrew taught students in the UK, France, Greece and Vanuatu, before settling in Australia to teach at Sydney English Language Centre, where he held the positions of Head Teacher and Director of Studies. He now works as an Examiner Trainer at Macquarie University. Andrew has been involved in IELTS since 1989, as an examiner, Examiner Trainer and, since 2007, as a Principal Examiner. Andrew has contributed to the English teaching profession as the Reviews Editor of the English Australia Journal from 1993-2004. Andrew is an advocate for improving levels of assessment literacy, not only among teachers but more generally within the community. He believes that an increased awareness of language assessment issues can lead to a better understanding of language tests and how to prepare for them.
Committee Member
Jimmy holds an honours Science Degree from the University of Toronto Canada, a MBA Degree from the California State University East Bay USA and a Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution from the City University of Hong Kong. He is a practising CPA in Hong Kong, a CFA charter holder and a member of the CPA Australia. In the past 25+ years, he worked as a private banker with UBS Hong Kong, an audit accountant with Deloitte Hong Kong. Currently, Jimmy is acting as an external associate to form a number of postgraduate diploma programs for the University of Hong Kong (School of Professional and Continuing Education).
Committee Member
Shinya comes from a design background and being in the creative digital industry to become a professional designer and digital producer to deliver a high level of videography and photography services for global clients from Tokyo to Sydney. He has strong connections in onshore and offshore agencies to cultivate Japanese students and working holiday visa holders to come to Australia in the last 6 years. Having Shinya to join us, LYDA is going to support thousands of members from Japan, particularly Tokyo and Osaka to Australia.
Committee Member
Doris is the Director of an established education services company that provides consulting services to international students, mainly aged 18-25. She is dedicated to creating holistic well-being for international students in Australia by providing information, inspiration, and motivation to navigate their education and oversee ventures. Over the past 10 years, her company has helped thousands of international students excel in their field of study as well as career development in Australia and overseas. Her dual Commerce Degrees from UNSW and USYD, and her overseas studying experience in countries such as the U.S. and China, have provided her with crucial experiences to apply in the daily operations of her company. This unique experience has given her the exposure and vision to offer quality services that cater to the needs of international students.
Committee Member
Hao, holding a master's degree in Information Technology from UNSW, has accumulated years of valuable IT experience working with diverse IT companies across China and Australia. Proficient in numerous full-stack development technologies, he has adeptly led teams of various sizes, showcasing strong leadership skills. Hao has actively participated in the comprehensive development and maintenance of a wide array of projects, serving as the core architect and tech consultant. Presently, he is engaged with a leading Australian logistics company. Enthusiastic about joining the LYDA program, Hao aspires to contribute both his technical and non-technical expertise to make a positive impact on Australian society and inspire the younger generation.
Committee Member
Jun Wei graduated from UNSW as a BMed/MD Student and was the 30th & 31st President of UNSW CSA which is one of the largest international student societies at the University of New South Wales, at the same time, one of the largest Chinese student societies in Australia’s universities. Jun's experience of managing over 4,000 active members in UNSW CSA makes him well-suited to provide insights into what students need for self-development and career growth. Jun has the potential to make valuable contributions to the LYDA program and to the broader community of young leaders.
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Address: Level 3, 49/330 Wattle St, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia